MarketPlace Mentions
CUToday 4 part series - January 2020
October 2019
CUInsight and CUToday coverage on Anne's efforts to climb Mt.Kilimanjaro. Click images for full articles.
CUBroadcast Interview: Connected data to create value and grow
January 24, 2017
Learn more about THRIVE and what it does in this interview with Ryan Drake, CEO of Our Community CU as he describes how the Transformation Process and the value it created.
September 2019
Lucy Harr highlights the importance of having a member-centric strategy as crucial to a credit unions success. Click on the image to learn more.
July 17, 2019
Nice overview by Michael Bartlett at Credit Union Journal on the current state of credit unions and their data analytics journey.
CUBroadcast Interview
August 31, 2016
Enjoy the conversation Mike and I had about shifting the credit union’s vision of member engagement using big data. The example we address is if the credit union products were like a fitness app.
Connecting Data to Create Value and Growth In a Disruptive Climate
January 19, 2017
Read CU Today coverage of how the $350-million Our Community Credit Union in the Pacific Northwest has been able to connect its data, create insights and take action. They engaged with the OnApproach M360 data warehouse solution and THRIVE Strategic Services to connect their data and build strategy.