While this year has been filled with more than its share of ups and downs, I am happy at this time of giving thanks for having so many things to be thankful for.
Here are a few;
100 - Thankful for working with credit unions to create over 100 data vision statements
60 - Thankful for working with credit unions to develop over 60 data roadmaps
77 - Thankful to have worked with credit unions to help them identify over 77 member- centric data use cases
525 - Delighted and thankful to give out over 525 Continued Professional Education
credits to the 7-class Data Education Series.
I am over the moon to have been given this opportunity to help educate, accelerate and elevate the credit union industry by leveraging their data!
As you gather in the way that you do to give thanks, I wish you as much gratitude, peace, and contentment :)
Gobble Gobble